The state with the most alarming rate of accidents in the US as of 2024 is Texas. If you are only looking at the vast road network and the bustling city, then you might be unaware of the serious risk for drivers. 

If you are a frequent traveler or a resident of Texas, knowing and understanding the reasons behind the accidents is very important for keeping you safe on the roads of Texas. 

In this article, you will find out the factors that are responsible for these frequent accidents. You can visit to learn more if you are in such a situation and seek professional help.

The reason for these accidents

Texas, which is known for its huge size and bustling city, has alarming accidents annually. There are many reasons for these accidents, from vast highway networks to large populations to a high number of vehicles. All of these are one of the main reasons for these accidents. 

  • Driving Fast

A huge number of these alarming accident rates are mainly due to overspeeding. Since Texas has high-speed limit highways, drivers are tempted to push it all the way, thus leading to accidents in some cases. Exceeding the speed limit can hugely reduce the driver’s reaction time, which increases the severity of the accidents. 

  • Drink and Drive

Texas has the highest rates of alcohol-related crashes. These are mainly seen during weekends and holidays. Alcohol severely affects the driver’s judgment and reaction time. Even though there are strict laws for drinking and driving still, this continues to be a big problem. 

  • Weather Conditions

The variety of weather conditions experienced in Texas also contributes to these numbers. Sudden storms, hail, Heavy rains, and fog reduce visibility, and this increases the risk of accidents. Driving under the influence and driving fast can make it really difficult to drive in these weather conditions.

  • Distracted Driving

The use of mobile phones to reply to someone or navigate the GPS can be really dangerous, and these are some of the major contributors to accidents in Texas. Combination of all of the above-mentioned factors with distracted driving leads to a high risk of accidents.

Keeping you safe.

Understanding how serious this issue is, the local authorities are already making an effort to improve road safety in Texas, but knowing how you can keep yourself safe on the road can also help.

  • Public Awareness Campaigns

The local authorities are actively raising awareness about all the factors that contribute to such accidents. These awareness campaigns aim to increase responsibility while driving and improve driving behaviors for a safer texas road. 

  • Defensive driving technique 

The best way to avoid these accidents is by practicing defensive driving. This basically means already anticipating or expecting the actions of other drivers and staying alert for any hazard. This can include driving at a safe distance from other drivers. This gives enough time for the driver to react in case of a sudden break by the driver in front.

Also, being aware of your surroundings can help. A driver should always check his mirrors and blind spot. This can help people be aware of any lane changes and help reduce collisions.

  • Avoiding distractions

Putting aside your phones, setting up your gps before you hit the road, and avoiding any activity can help reduce distraction. Eliminating any distractions while driving that can take your eyes off the road can help avoid these accidents.

If you really need to call or send a message, either pull on a safe spot or just use your hands-free device. Even if you take your eyes off the road for a second on these fast roads, you might be part of the growing statistics. 

Drive Smart: Protect Yourself and Others Too!

Always remember every driver is responsible for making the roads safe. Practicing responsible driving habits and obeying traffic laws is a must. If you or someone you know have faced an accident in Texas, contact a Professional Attorney today!